June News

June News

June 1st - National Olive Day! Try this Green Olive Dip Recipe

June 3rd - National Egg Day

June 5th - National Donut Day

June 5th - World Environment Day

June 6th - National Yo Yo Day

June 7th - National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

June 7th - Prince’s Birthday 

June 8th - National Best Friends Day

June 8th - World Oceans Day

June 11th - National Corn on the cob day

June 12th - National Loving Day

June 13th - National Sewing Machine Day

June 14th - Army Birthday

June 14th - Flag Day

June 16th - National Fudge Day

June 17th - National Eat your Vegetables Day

June 18th - International Sushi Day

June 18th - National Go Fishing Day

June 19th - Juneteenth

June 19th - National Garfield the Cat Day

June 19th - National Martini Day

June 20th - National Americah Eagle Day

June 20th - Ugliest Dog Day

June 21st - Fathers Day

June 22nd - National Onion Ring Day

June 26th - National Take your dog to work day

June 27th - National Sunglasses Day

June 29th - National Camera Day

June 30th - International Asteroid Day

June 30th - World Social Media Day

Month Long Holidays

National Candy Month

National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month

July 2020

July 2020

May News

May News