Meet Our Leader, Austin Park
Visual installations was established in 2014. My father had just passed away and all I had was my German Shepherd, Samson, an air mattress, bean bag, and a car that was held together with spit and prayers. I did my first install for a friend to help make ends meet and through that experience I found a whole category of work that was being ignored and showed a ton of promise. I label that category, “what others wont do”. If I did what everyone else wouldn’t do, and showed I would be loyal to my clients through the good and bad, big and small jobs, I believed they would be loyal back. With no evidence to back this up, I tried it. And guess what? Those same people started offering me bigger and better jobs. Within the last 5 years, we have gone through a name change, shutting down a whole department and grown an amazing team.
Today, the success in our company has allowed us to help fund my friends doing humanitarian work in the USA and overseas. In 2014, I was supporting one little girl in Kenya, named Winnie, but now we support 5 different people around the world that have dedicated their lives to the work that they are doing. Giving back to children in need is a cause my wife and I are very passionate about.
I believe that if we maintain our core values and remain loyal to our clients, each other, and ourselves, that we can all experience success, both individually and as a team. I look forward to achieving that with all of you!